5 Steps To Write Good Tagline And 8 Best Tagline Generator To Get You A Prefect Tagline

What impact can a brand tagline bring to a company?

A good tagline can convey the core values that a brand offers, not only to make consumers remember you, differentiate you from your competitors and put your brand in a leading position, but also to inspire your employees with your company’s core beliefs and enhance your company’s motivation. Although not every company needs a tagline, Tagline is only one part of brand communication, but every brand needs to set a communication theme to continue the whole communication strategy and the subsequent message and content to be conveyed. It can be seen that Tagline has a significant impact on a company or organization, but how to develop a “right” brand Tagline is the key point that companies should think about.

Today we will explore the “5 classic corporate brand Tagline” recognized as influential in advertising history, including Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, and De Beers, and tell you 5 steps to help you write a great “brand tagline” and introduce 8 “slogan/tagline generators” to help you create easy-to-remember, appropriate business slogans that convey the key messages you want consumers to understand. On the marketing level, “the right Tagline will make a first-class brand”, a good tagline is refined and fluent, and explains the personality of the brand in one sentence.

The 5 most recognized classic English corporate “taglines” in advertising history

Taglines are a common form of advertising. What familiar corporate taglines can you remember? A good tagline can stand the test of time, and the brand spirit is like the soul of the company. A “right” tagline can multiply the effectiveness of brand communication and support the value of the brand. Now let’s take a look at the “Top 5 Corporate Brand Taglines” that are recognized as influential in the history of advertising to understand why these taglines are popular? Why are they appealing? Why are they effective and influential?

Just Do It! – Nike (1988)

“The concept of “Just Do It” actually comes from Gary Gilmore, a serial killer in Portland, U.S.A. At that time, the U.S.A. once abolished the death penalty, and Gilmore was the first person sentenced to death after the reinstatement of the death penalty, causing great concern in society. Gilmore’s last words before he died were a simple “Let’s do it“, leaving only a soft sentence to end his short life.

In 1988, Nike wanted to further develop the market for the younger generation, and Dan Wieden, the head of the advertising agency at that time, thought that the brand’s next campaign needed a tagline, remembering Gilmore’s last words “Let’s do it”. This is very much in line with the spirit of sports that Nike wants, which is to be free, daring and unconstrained by the world. The popular “Just Do It” was born.

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Photo by Anny Patterson on Pexels.com

The tagline “Just Do It” became popular after its launch, with people wearing “Just Do It” T-shirts on the streets and endorsements from many celebrity athletes such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams and Roger Federer. The “Just Do It” campaign has become a household phrase through the endorsement of many celebrity athletes. The “Just Do It” spirit has been around for more than 30 years, and “Just Do It” has undoubtedly become the core of Nike’s brand, and the “2020 World’s Most Valuable Apparel Brands List” published by Brand Finance was once again won by Nike, with a brand value of $34.792 billion, and has been the champion for seven consecutive years. It not only represents the spirit of sports, but also inspires the young generation to step out of the comfort zone, and is a fearless statement for people facing the difficulties in life.

Think Different – Apple (1997)

This classic quote seems to be out of line with the grammar, “Think” is a verb, why not add the adverb “differently” after it? The subject of being different is to think about the subject of being different, which is the positioning of Apple.

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Photo by Nana Dua on Pexels.com

In 1997, Steve Jobs returned to Apple after the launch of the first brand image advertising “Think Different“, advertising words partly from the works of American novelist Jack Kerouac, partly written by Steve Jobs himself, the film can be seen in some of the great people in history, including Einstein, Gandhi, Picasso, Edison. The “Think Different” commercial became a sensation immediately after its release and was the key to Apple’s successful transformation, cultivating Apple’s core value of making the highest quality products rather than striving for the most.

Nowadays, “Think Different” is still a guiding light for Apple, and the description of the commercial also symbolizes the legend and achievement created by Steve Jobs in his life.

Open Happiness – Coca-Cola (2009)

Coca-Cola has changed its tagline quite frequently, with the seven-year-old tagline “Open Happiness” being the longest used in recent years and the most representative of digital marketing. Open Happiness is a communication strategy that evokes a sense of “comfort and optimism” and fosters brand loyalty. The brand spirit of “Open Happiness” is that even in the midst of current difficulties, as long as one is open-minded, one can always enjoy the simple happiness of a cup of Coke in life, making life better. The campaign’s Facebook page eventually garnered over 50 million likes and led to significant sales growth for Coca-Cola.

5 Steps To Write Good Tagline

Because You’re Worth It – L’Oreal (1973)

Written by a female copywriter in the 1970s, this phrase was revolutionary in empowering women in a male-dominated advertising industry. Joanne Dusseau was the first model to use the phrase “because you’re worth it” in a L’Oreal Paris ad, which ended with the phrase “Actually I don’t mind spending more for L’Oreal because I’m worth it”. The commercial immediately drew a lot of recognition and resonance from women, becoming the top seller in the hair color market at the time and a strong feminist statement.

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“Because You’re Worth It” symbolizes L’Oreal’s commitment to celebrating the diversity of beauty, regardless of age, race, background, gender or creed, each of us is unique, and even on days when you don’t feel it, your value is always there. Half a century later and translated into 40 languages, the slogan’s influence and popularity continues to resonate with women around the world and continues to inspire women of all ages.

5 Steps To Write Good Tagline

A Diamond is Forever – De Beers (1938)

In 1948, Mary Frances Gerety, an advertising copywriter who understood the fear of disillusionment, wrote A Diamond is Forever to emphasize the emotion and eternal romance one gets from owning a diamond. The impression of a diamond as “unbreakable” is transformed into a symbol of eternal emotion by purchasing a “promise and guarantee”.

Once the clever tagline A Diamond is Forever was introduced, the marketing was complete, successfully convincing men of their desire to consume and creating a diamond market. De Beers promoted the tagline widely around the world, making the diamond a popular symbol and a testament to eternity and vows. By 1951, 80 percent of all brides in the United States were wearing diamonds made by De Beers, and for 80 years this tagline, widely recognized as the most iconic and powerful, has connected hundreds of millions of consumers to eternal commitment, making the diamond a sacred object in the hearts of men and women entering marriage today, proving that advertising taglines can have a significant impact on culture.

5 Steps To Write Good Tagline

According to Business Research Magazine, a good company slogan conveys a clear message, is creative, and generates familiarity with the brand.

5 Steps To Write Good Tagline

Emphasize the essence of your brand

A right tagline should not be a riddle. A tagline is not only responsible for image building, but also has a direct connection to the product. You can use brand interrogation, consumer insight, corporate values, corporate beliefs, unique Selling Proposition to create unique features that cannot be offered by competitors, so that consumers can psychologically feel the unique experience they get from purchasing products or services, and thus generate demand and action to purchase. In a competitive market where products are becoming increasingly homogeneous, it is even more important to find out the unique selling point of the product to capture the hearts of consumers and maintain the brand essence.

You can start by making a list of what your product or service has to offer and write down the words related to it. You can use a thesaurus to write down as many words related to your unique selling proposition (USP) as you can, and after completing the list, narrow it down to about ten. If possible, incorporate the vocabulary into the design of the tagline.

Be creative

At this point you may want to start trying to adjust the order of words and between words to come up with new and creative ways to describe your unique selling point (USP). Try adding a few verbs to your list of keywords that can be visualized and have an impact. Good marketers create “wants”, evoke an emotion, stimulate the consumer’s “want” and resonate with them.

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Be concise

When a tagline appears in an advertisement, it plays a pivotal role (turning point) and occupies a place in consumers’ memory. A simple tagline is easy to remember and catchy, so that those who see it can associate it with your brand. It is recommended that the Tagline be no more than 10 words, and the closer the number of words is to 10, the less likely your customers will remember it. A good tagline can express a million things in 5 words, and at the same time is attractive enough to give people a deep memory point and create an impact.

Get feedback

Write down a variety of potential taglines and go back to them the next day to see your list in a different light. If it’s a good tagline, then you should know it right away. Pick the best one and show it to a friend or family member, ask them for feedback, and ask what kind of picture the tagline creates in their mind. Is it memorable? Does it have an impact? If the answer is no, you should readjust the tagline.

Make it timeless

A good Tagline stands the test of time. Don’t just change it to a new Tagline to quickly solve a product sales dilemma or as a temporary marketing campaign. Successful marketing communication can take years to implement the spirit of a brand tagline, and all marketing appeals are designed to build brand equity and value. Therefore, when writing a tagline, it is important to consider the timelessness of its future use and to keep up with the times, so referring to technology and phrases such as “the one and only” can be risky. Lastly, the spirit of the brand tagline is the most important thing in running a brand, and it is not enough to have the right tagline.

8 “Slogan/tagline Generators” to help you create your ideal brand tagline

Creating a good tagline for your company can sometimes be challenging, and in fact, for most businesses, coming up with the ideal tagline takes a lot of time and effort. If you’re trying to create a tagline or marketing tagline for your company, here are 8 useful “slogan/tagline makers” to get your creative juices flowing and create great “brand tagline” with half the effort.

Shopify Free Slogan Maker


Slogan Generator


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The Advertising Slogan Generator


Logaster Slogan Generator

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